Welcome to the rhythm of my journey

I’m Yolanda Martinez, a Native American born in Southern New Mexico, deeply connected to Earth Mother.

My journey has taken me down many paths. After high school, I entered the corporate world and spent over 20 years in and out of it. At 22, I moved to Kodiak, Alaska, where I became the first woman to work on a commercial fishing boat. I fished for two years and in 1978, I opened my first business, "Yolanda’s Gallery & Custom Framing." I spent eight years on Kodiak Island, where I got married and had my daughter. In 1983, I moved back to the lower forty-eight, bringing with me the experiences and lessons from my time in Alaska.

I began to feel a growing confidence in my drums when, without any announcement or advertisement, people started showing up at my door, asking if I was the drum woman. When I replied, “I guess,” they would smile and say, “I think you have my drum here.” I welcomed them into my home, and they would choose their drum from the lineup. Somehow, I always knew which drum belonged to each person as soon as they walked in. The path became incredibly challenging when I was guided to bring my drums to Native American Pow Wow Festivals. I sensed there could be significant repercussions, so I was very hesitant.

The first festival I attended was in 1993 in Turlock, CA. My sisters came to support me as I was still not well. When the Elders discovered that the beautiful drums in my booth were made by me, they approached with a mix of curiosity and authority. Three male Elders came to my booth, examined the drums, and asked, “Who made these drums?” I responded, “I did.” They seemed angry and demanded, “Who gave you permission?” I met their gaze, pointed a finger upward, and said, “If you know of a higher power that can tell me to stop, I will.” They hesitated, exchanged glances, looked at the drums again, and then said, “Nice drums.”

This was my experience for the first four years of attending festivals across the country. After many years, someone told me that I had become known as the “Master Drum Maker,” a recognition that brought tears and profound joy to my heart.

The Drums

In 1986, while living in Monterey, CA, my Spiritual Awakening began to stir within me. I started dreaming about my early years, growing up in New Mexico, feeling so connected to nature, hearing the animals call and speak to me.

Spiritual leaders began telling me that I was not following my true calling, that I was a teacher, a Spiritual leader, and that I needed to remember who I was.

At first, I couldn't accept this; I felt unworthy of such a calling. When Spirit started urging me to make drums, I struggled immensely with it. Deep in my soul, I knew that many tribes considered it taboo for women to even touch, let alone make a drum, because of patriarchal beliefs. I kept denying the call until I suffered a near-death illness. That was when I finally surrendered and accepted my fate.

Guided by Spirit, I made my first drum and beater in August 1987. I knew nothing about making drums and had no idea of the journey that lay ahead of me.

Following Earth Mother’s Heartbeat

Explore my music

In 1994, I made my first recording, “Resounding Spirituality,” for the Moon Lodge women. This little cassette became my stepping stone to my award-winning CDs, which earned me four NAMMYs/GRAMMYs, two ISMAs, and one NATIVE-E Award, among others. I’ve recorded and released eight albums in all, touring the US and Europe under my own label, Legends Alive Productions, LLC.

This is how I teach and continue to teach using my drums and music. I teach from my life experiences because we cannot teach what we have not experienced ourselves. My connection to Spirit, Earth Mother, and Nature guides my teachings and provides me with wisdom. For over 30 years, I’ve been making drums, teaching, sharing my music, and working with women.

In 1991, I was guided to start the “Central Valley Moon Lodge Gatherings” in Modesto, CA. What began with 12 women in my small home grew to over 300 women in less than two years. I taught the woman’s way of honoring the “Give Away,” the menses time of a woman. I focused on honoring the grandmothers, women, and maidens. We gathered during the new moons to dream and the full moons to drum, sing, and dance in celebration. During the Equinox and Solstices, we met in parks to perform healing ceremonies, addressing family, children, abuse, rape, and other issues. The purpose was to empower women to be strong, to stand on their own, and to understand their power.

Make Your Own Drum

Drum Making Workshops:

Join me for a hands-on experience like no other! These workshops will guide you through the process of crafting your own drum from scratch while you discover your own unique rhythm. Discover the joy of working with your hands and creating something truly special. My workshops are two-day family friendly events full of community, growth, fun, and laughter. I'll provide all the supplies you need, so all you have to do is show up ready to immerse yourself in the magic of drum making.

One-on-One Drum Making Sessions:

For those seeking a more personalized experience, I offer one-on-one drum-making sessions. Take a deep dive into the process under my guidance, and let the rhythm of the drum move through you in a soulful way.

Host a Workshop in Your Hometown:

Gather your friends, family, or community for a group workshop in Manteca, CA, or at a location of your choosing. I believe in the power of community and will bring my expertise to you. As I like to say, "Have Drum, Will Travel!" Whether it's a weekend retreat or a weekday gathering, I'm here to accommodate your schedule.